Saturday, September 20, 2008

In Full Swing of Fall

So fall is in full swing, the weather is getting a little cooler and we are busier than ever! Allison is loving life as the top dog of elementary school. This will be her last year before she is off for intermediate school, and I can't believe it. She is doing well with her schoolwork and is signing up for every service club possible. She played her first soccer game today, first half as forward and second half as goalie, they didn't win but they sure did give it their best effort. These girls have been playing together since kindergarten and they have come a long way to say the least.
Colton is finally getting around......everywhere!! He is getting faster and faster everyday. It amazes me how quickly you forget how fast time really goes. He will be 9 months old this week. Which means I have a Big 1st birthday to get planned. Most of you know birthday's are a HUGE deal around here for the kids. I am really in my element when I am planning a party. He also has his first tooth which of course just makes his smile that much cuter!!

Since my last post Justin and I have celebrated our 3rd anniversary and shortly after my cousin finally got married, it was a really cool wedding in a barn complete with tractors and hay bales, very much fit the crazy country kids they are. We had a blast dancing the night away and celebrating with Clint and Megan. Along with Megan my family also gained two cuties. (See pics) They are rowdy and fun just like the rest of us and I think we are in for one FUN Christmas at Nana's this year. I know my Papa would be very proud. It's times like these that I know he is looking down on us with that same smile and pride in his eyes he always had for his family.