Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Busy Fall

Well I wasn't kidding when I said it was shaping up to be a busy fall. I obviously have not updated this in quite some time. Although it was busy, it was great. Allison wrapped up soccer season and tried out her hand at volleyball for the first time. I even coached her Kids Inc team. Let's just say I have a whole new respect for coaches. Now that volleyball is over we are starting Winter basketball. Never a dull moment around here. We still managed to squezze in some great family time between it all. We started with the corn field, it was an all day event complete with a hayride and pumpkin picking. We of course went trick or treating, Allison as a rocker and Colton as Tigger.

For Thanksgiving, we ate all day long!! We started at Nana's and ended at home where we were blessed to have Justin's parents and sisters over to visit and of course Johnnie brought all here good food too!! Justin loves a chance to hang out with his sisters and their kiddos. Especially since he can be a kid again with Cody and Ryan. Justina gave us a concert too, I think aunt JuJu should get a kareoke machine for her house for Christmas!! haha. Now we are busy gearing up for Colton's First Birthday and Christmas!!! I will be sure to be a little quicker with all of those pics. Until then I hope everyone is having a great HOLIDAY SEASON!!